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Software update JS-Connect for Fenix

Software update JS-Connect for Fenix Hello today we are here to update Software JS-Connect for [...]

JS-Connect is compatible with Fenix add-on

notify customers immediately JS-Connect for MSFS with Fenix ​​addon now has a new update. (version [...]

JS-Connect is compatible with MSFS2020 SimUpdate10.

JS-Connect is compatible with MSFS2020 SimUpdate10. JS-Connect is compatible with MSFS2020 SimUpdate10. Now I have [...]

New Software

After the launch of JS-Connect was postponed from the original schedule. The new software is [...]

Change to JS-Connect

Developing JS-Link Software that we developed for use in connection between our device and flight [...]

PUSH-PULL Rotary Encoder V2.0

PUSH-PULL RotaryEncoder V2.0  New pull-push dial Completely redesigned To reduce the problem of the smoothness [...]

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